The yes men fix the world
Economy and control over the market control what corporate wants:
The perspective of this cartoonist is pointing out that the cartoon represents that all ideas together do not work or correspond.
The perspective of the man business cartoon saying that he is at first conservative and then switches into a more exploitative point of how he got what he wanted.
Healthy plantations: genocide of the people who were there (the trail of tears) bought slaves who were violently taken from home lands to get the work so that the money could be given to the white man and slave owner.
Comparable to the “Golden Skeleton”—if it works for me in the end that’s all that matters.
Colbert: Neutral Man’s Burden—I have to think about people in my own family who face discrimination as being white.
Being “neutral”—
Roomie Connection:
- House setting
- Calendar
- Draconian policy: have a voice and if you don’t show up you don’t get to decide.
- Use it or lose it
- Ways of understanding why this is necessary
- List off ways of transportation/times/ways of getting there
- Not functional mock up of what it would look like and how it functions.
February 7, 2012
Wearable clothing/computers.
“the wear cam is a mechanism of self determination and personal safety”
‘safety net”
Foucault (pronounced fooco)
One way power source directed towards placing own power on other people
- Lives were placed at the hands of kings
- Totalitarian System to keep people enslaved and people empowered
- Limiting and crippling information to know what your doing
Consenting by default
JenniCam—first online personality that broadcasted life.