Category Archives: intents
Color Schemes
My color scheme has been chosen for a guideline and ruler for each individual piece. I’m going to use my knowledge of color relationship and how they depict certain representations and meanings so that the most optimal representation of each cause or person can have the best perceptiveness.
currently the assignment of these color schemes is for me and my designing brain only–
but here’s a sneak peak.
Intent for project
For the past 3 months I have been brainstorming ways to go about tackling a project of a design series devoted to 3 or 4 separate (under the radar) organizations, causes, current events that really draw attention mentally from people who care to put concern in that direction. I would take these designed posters and artworks which could be sold individually as prints of all sizes for students in their dorm rooms or on to get my work out in the light. I would then take it a step further and adjust the design to be scalable to fit the dimensions of the average snowboard.
The reason behind the board→ I have had the same snowboard for the past 5 years…I’ll admit (even though it breaks my heart) that it may be time to put her on the shelf and get a new one. Maybe its my designing eye—but I refuse to ride a board that doesn’t reflect the kind of person I am style wise, in terms of composition and color it will end up playing a huge role in the decision I make on my next purchase.
The perfect selection of color combinations, the (hard to see) matt swirl design placed on the shiny graphics to create a multi textured feel and look which hidden pictures and words which always keep you searching. Every time I have gotten my board out of the closet for a new season I get the same reaction EVERY time, “Shelby, that IS you in board form, it looks like you designed that yourself.” This has fueled my desire to design snowboards for men and women alike to find the board that perfectly represents their personality and passion on a board that brings a community of people together every season on and off of the mountain. The winter sports community has such a diverse creative group of people in it that I am a proud member of this active universal club.
The Series:
Orono Farmers Market→
Clean Water in our area →
Ski and snowboard club or if I can go bigger 2014 olympic winter games →
all natural energy drink Black Bear B12 from MAINE→
smoke free campus→ →promote electric or battery powered instead
2012 burton graphic designs
CAPSTONE: Business, creative customization, website where a group of people can direct their requests to me for designs and I can create a snowboard or ski graphic towards them so that there is viral media and a way to get the word out with this community for what they’re doing.
The board series in display setting would have all front designs of boards facing out about 4 feet away from a wall—a mirror (large) is on the wall so that while looking at the boards you can see the bottom of the board as well and at the same time so you can see how they relate to each other.
Scribble What??
Scribble What?
A therapeutic game that brings out thoughts of the subconscious weather it be relationship problems, hidden interests or obsession or something that represents who you are as a person—this game gives people artistic and not artistic alike a chance to communicate pictorially with the other players to take what is initially a sribble made by the opposite person, into something real. This game is not only challenging the creativity of the players mind, but also creates problem solving to quick issues and gives first reaction thoughts and feelings a shot to be drawn out for everyone to see and deliberate what they mean.
Clarification for the Intent & Approach for Autobotography
I have only posted one approach and intent that are in relation to each other because from what I was told in class and from what I read on the class website I was informed that one solid approach and intent were due for this segment of the class criteria.
Reaching out to fellow classmates who are viewing my website; weren’t many of you under the same impression?
Lessons Learned
My Autobotography intent is something inspired by all of the events that I’ve experienced in my lifetime and my belief that everyone has a story behind who they are and people pull certain characteristics and experiences from impacting moments; its all how you view the situation.
My intent with the Lessons Learned application is that the user would depict major events that have occurred to them over the span of their lifetime, whether or not the situations be positive or negative–and with each even that occurs to the user a series of descriptive words, lessons and values are pulled and placed into this persons profile. The community that is created with these profiles connects you to people who have experienced around 90% of the same things you have so that you can see how different people handle the same situation and find a common ground or help each other.
It’s also an intriguing idea to see what has happened to people to make them who they are today. You should never judge someone untill you know why they are the way they are.
Class Notes 1/17
The yes men fix the world
Economy and control over the market control what corporate wants:
The perspective of this cartoonist is pointing out that the cartoon represents that all ideas together do not work or correspond.
The perspective of the man business cartoon saying that he is at first conservative and then switches into a more exploitative point of how he got what he wanted.
Healthy plantations: genocide of the people who were there (the trail of tears) bought slaves who were violently taken from home lands to get the work so that the money could be given to the white man and slave owner.
Comparable to the “Golden Skeleton”—if it works for me in the end that’s all that matters.
Colbert: Neutral Man’s Burden—I have to think about people in my own family who face discrimination as being white.
Being “neutral”—
Roomie Connection:
- House setting
- Calendar
- Draconian policy: have a voice and if you don’t show up you don’t get to decide.
- Use it or lose it
- Ways of understanding why this is necessary
- List off ways of transportation/times/ways of getting there
- Not functional mock up of what it would look like and how it functions.
February 7, 2012
Wearable clothing/computers.
“the wear cam is a mechanism of self determination and personal safety”
‘safety net”
Foucault (pronounced fooco)
One way power source directed towards placing own power on other people
- Lives were placed at the hands of kings
- Totalitarian System to keep people enslaved and people empowered
- Limiting and crippling information to know what your doing
Consenting by default
JenniCam—first online personality that broadcasted life.
Lessons Learned
Growing up each individual experiences different events and is placed in different situations that subconsciously forms the people that we are today. What the idea of my autobotography website would be is something along the lines of a self made time line, as far back as the individual can remember. With each major event that is called to attention a set of characteristics and lessons will be assigned to the person after the experience takes place; Break ups, Deaths, Successes, Problems to be solved, etc… these all shape who we are. It would be interesting to see what events people had in common and to pin point what corks about you came to be and from which event things all started.
Long distance connector
Being in a long distance relationship myself, I know the ins and outs of the difficulties couples in this situation have to face; if only there was a solution to the small trials and hurdles that we have to face in a day-to-day situation.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, true–however; the points that lead up to the strength people must have to support that growing heart is difficult to obtain. I would be interested in creating an app that makes leaving messages and gestures technically to show reassurance to the opposite partner giving them positive reinforcement to know that the partner is thinking of them and missing them.
ALS Community
A community for people who are affiliated with people in the ALS community who either have family members diagnosed with the disease or have experiences that they can share with others who are dealing with it currently. The disease is such that it is so different with each case there is no one way to fix the same problem the same way for ever person; bathroom solutions, cleaning habits, eating, drinking, etc…
Since my father was diagnosed with ALS when I was a sophomore in High School, I have seen the ins and outs of this disease and have experienced first hand what it is like to adapt for the person with ALS and perceive what habits they have to change in order to survive and be happy with whatever living conditions they can. The app that I would create to appease this community is a blog or billboard type situation where people can contribute their solutions and coping mechanisms to deal with this death sentence that can make or break the value of life a person has. Thankfully my fathers optimism was easy to deal with and solve problems with ease and positivity.
The Coffee Table
The coffee table brings a unity and same level to all aspects of your every day college household where individuals learn to make a house run smoothly when the parents arent around. Aspects about this application that make this possible are journal entries, scheduled calendars, household mail, and of course the chore list. When all people get their hands dirty in this metaphorical household program it should theoretically be a rewarding and fun experience.