Jolines Final Release Questions–Answered.

NMD 206 Final Project

class presentation: (5-7 minutes)

-be sure your presentation is clear, concise and brief

going through the grand revealing of my project ( a post that has done previously ) will take up time and putting in more of my own intuitive sight on the whole scenario I’m trying ot create will also take care of a lot of this time period, along side of presenting and explaining each poster.

-focus on the highlights of your work and 3 topics below

The highlights of my work are the underlying inspirations for each peace and how each interpreted poster can be transformed into a board graphic that can be had for years and shown to as many people as possible.

-use your website/blog as you need to show product, process, or learning.

consider it done.

Part 1 What did you make?

-begin on your blog page for your project. this page should clearly state what the project is, with photos or video, and possibly a link to a page where the project actually resides if the project is a web-based project. For an example see:

-show your full project
Lindsey’s was a full website with the front interface for the RidesForMe project; yours might be a T-shirt, or video, or chalk board

My website blog and posters to show for the project.

-be sure you have addressed the following: research, tools, content, format, peers, audience. While you may not show these pages, they will help you with parts 2 & 3  of this presentation.

Part 2: How did you make it?

-describe the original goal, challenges, how you met the challenges, and what you ended up with.

My original idea was posted before as an approach/intent, but I’ll catch you readers up to speed with a short version. Since I’ve been snowboarding I’ve seen what a great conversation starter snowboards and skis can spark on a lift ride with their graphics alone. What an easy window to take advantage of and place meaningful designs for communication between people of all demographics who do the same activity. At first I was going to do 6 posters and 1 board rendition of a poster–but I felt such a disconnect from the snowboard theme that I transferred my idea to 3 posters and each poster’s key components that really represented the message was then transferred to the board silhouette to represent it’s own board design as well. Ending product with 6 posters.


-what tools, software, filters, helpers etc did you use to achieve your goals?

I used Adobe Illustrator to render out my ideas and found inspiration from already existing websites or color schemes to guide me through to my final products.

Part 3: What did you learn?

-what was your original question or inspiration?

The question is and always will be, how can we most accurately and intriguingly represent the cause or person in a aesthetically pleasing design that can be applied to whatever the customer/product needs to be communicated.

-what did your research, creative work or assessment of audience teach you?

Research amongst many snowboard sites such as to guide me towards previous designs that have made it to the top along with listening to the customers requests and requirements is what really lead me to find ease in my final renditions of posters/board designs.

-what do you know now that you didn’t before your project? & -how have you grown?

Even if there is a steady plan laid out ready to be executed, emotions and needs need to be listened to intuitively as a designer so that your ending products show the heart and care that was put into the final products.

Clarification for the Intent & Approach for Autobotography

I have only posted one approach and intent that are in relation to each other because from what I was told in class and from what I read on the class website I was informed that one solid approach and intent were due for this segment of the class criteria.


Reaching out to fellow classmates who are viewing my website; weren’t many of you under the same impression?

Student Projects::Week 7

While browsing through the copious amounts of wordpress websites that students of the NMD 206 classes before have created; they seemed repetitive and similar and related like a family–one project stood out to me wholeheartedly.

Derek O’Brien made a website called appicture a day and it calls attention to the specific autobotography project that I made reference too in my lone search to show the class who views my site what autobotography projects I found outside of the classroom. I think appicture a day is a play on words (aperture) and (a picture)–since Brien is doing what he can to make an honorable come back from his injury he looked towards documenting day to day objects and situations as a release and outlet.

The Fantasy Beyond Control

” Life is a moving target and any object that is isolated becomes history.”

That quote holds more truth in it than people may like to think. Things that are historical and remembered in our brains and records are things that we took time to acknowledge and be sure to take record of it–in comparison to all great things that have occurred but were not documented, recorded, and forgotten.

This piece written by Hershmen was very interesting to me, that she submersed herself in the artistic statement for those to see and understand what message she was trying to get across. The strength and courage put into subversive artistic creations is admirable and overlooked by many. I’m glad that Joline has asked us to read into this ladies accomplishments and take notice of what she has done.

Lessons Learned: Approach

The approach for this would be a visual representation of events that the user can recall. Events will then be categorized and interpreted by the program to create a profile for the user to determine what characteristics, qualities, lessons the person may have drawn or pulled for said event.


I am specifically fond of the twister styled or declining swirling ribbon view of the timeline; having oldest events in the smaller bottom and then as the memories become more recent the ribbon becomes wider–> this way you are able to constantly rewind and add on for as long as you wish to have the Lessons Learned application applied to your life.

Lessons Learned

My Autobotography intent is something inspired by all of the events that I’ve experienced in my lifetime and my belief that everyone has a story behind who they are and people pull certain characteristics and experiences from impacting moments; its all how you view the situation.

My intent with the Lessons Learned application is that the user would depict major events that have occurred to them over the span of their lifetime, whether or not the situations be positive or negative–and with each even that occurs to the user a series of descriptive words, lessons and values are pulled and placed into this persons profile. The community that is created with these profiles connects you to people who have experienced around 90% of the same things you have so that you can see how different people handle the same situation and find a common ground or help each other.


It’s also an intriguing idea to see what has happened to people to make them who they are today. You should never judge someone untill you know why they are the way they are.



Class Notes 1/17



The yes men fix the world


Economy and control over the market control what corporate wants:



The perspective of this cartoonist is pointing out that the cartoon represents that all ideas together do not work or correspond.

The perspective of the man business cartoon saying that he is at first conservative and then switches into a more exploitative point of how he got what he wanted.

Healthy plantations: genocide of the people who were there (the trail of tears) bought slaves who were violently taken from home lands to get the work so that the money could be given to the white man and slave owner.

Comparable to the “Golden Skeleton”—if it works for me in the end that’s all that matters.

Colbert: Neutral Man’s Burden—I have to think about people in my own family who face discrimination as being white.

Being “neutral”—

Roomie Connection:

  • House setting
  • Calendar
  • Draconian policy: have a voice and if you don’t show up you don’t get to decide.
  • Use it or lose it
  • Ways of understanding why this is necessary
  • List off ways of transportation/times/ways of getting there
  • Not functional mock up of what it would look like and how it functions.

February 7, 2012

Wearable clothing/computers.

“the wear cam is a mechanism of self determination and personal safety”

‘safety net”

­Foucault (pronounced fooco)

One way power source directed towards placing own power on other people

  • Lives were placed at the hands of kings
  • Totalitarian System to keep people enslaved and people empowered
  • Limiting and crippling information to know what your doing

Consenting by default

JenniCam—first online personality that broadcasted life.

Lessons Learned

Growing up each individual experiences different events and is placed in different situations that subconsciously forms the people that we are today. What the idea of my autobotography website would be is something along the lines of a self made time line, as far back as the individual can remember. With each major event that is called to attention a set of characteristics and lessons will be assigned to the person after the experience takes place; Break ups, Deaths, Successes, Problems to be solved, etc… these all shape who we are. It would be interesting to see what events people had in common and to pin point what corks about you came to be and from which event things all started.

Plastic Surgery Art/Cyborg Manifesto


I believe that her views on exhibitionist art is completely taboo and out of the box. That’s why I think it’s totally acceptable. If those are the mediums that she has chosen to get her point and message across to her desired demographic than so be it; that’s her decision. The pain and courage she experiences during the active performances is admirable and unbelievable. I can’t believe some of the things she experiences just to have something acted out or happen the correct way.


She takes the materials that God gave her with her body and the people she knows and the surroundings she is placed in to create whatever comes to her mind; it is brilliant.


One of the most unsettling, discouraging and confusing videos I’ve been asked to watch while going to school here. I’m very lost as to what this video represents and if the emotions that I experienced watching it is what the creator intended.


The idea that he is portraying of the power that women possess over men and how it threatens them to the point where they have to take action was a point that I pulled from the video.

I also pulled that Doctors are trusted and take orders from a higher up even if they’re second guessing a situation.


Perhaps my theories are incorrect, but these are the initial thoughts that came to me while viewing.



The idea to have an honest documentation of your physical appearance day after day for at least a year is an intriguing thought. To take a step further I developed a deeper idea for my own autobotography intent which can be seen in the appropriate post.

Wear Cam and Shooting Back

While being in class discussion this past week we were exposed to the idea of “shooting back” and the logistics of being exposed to cameras in corporate and business situations, it ended up being a question that was on my mind for the rest of the day, when I went to the groceries store, when I got my gas, and when I was in school.

There are multiple laws and regulations limiting the use of cameras in a public setting by civilians but we have no say in the big man using cameras to make sure that we are playing the game by their rules. An intriguing thought when you put it in terms like that. While many of us are just living our day-to-day lives to get by while they’re watching it through cameras like a reality television show. Perhaps that is why reality shows are so entertaining; it gives the viewer a false feeling of being the big man.

Autobotography Chapter 3

Edge of Art:


this whole idea of being represented digitally and with an online blog isn’t a new concept. However, the directions and views that people are taking to approach these digital outlets is constantly improving and becoming more interesting and different to try and pull more attention in their direction as apposed to following the same digital representational trends of the past.

Blogging is an age old journal that is socially recognized and accepted at this point; How/What you blog about is what really sets you apart from the millions of other blogs that are on the market to be viewed.

The interest factor is definitely key in the sense of the demographic that you want to target, the emotion that you want to portray is easily translated with the topics you choose.

Edge of Art–Designing Politics

Hackers with a cause can be perfectly represented by the group that goes by “Anonymous” They are people who have drive to make statements via the web and technology and have made such a statement in the past decade that their hacktivist methods have been world wide recognized. In comparison to Political Design there is a more diplomatic drive and reason to be proved with what is being said and represented to the public. Such as in current political situations with those candidates who are running for President–much political design goes into the thought process of how this single human is represented and portrayed by millions of people in our country and billions world wide.

Almost anything that is referred to as executable means that there is something being called to action or work when it occurs. An executable file is referring to something that this file is going to do for the user. Execution and Representation are defined as two completely different things, as stated by the dictionary;

“Execution:  the carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of action”


“Representation:the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented”


Execution is about the following through with an Idea–> such as our third step of idea development that we will be doing this semester.

Representation is the form or state that we chose to execute these ideas and in what way we follow through with it.

The “Yes Men Save the World” film that was shown to us in class revealed two hacktivist men who put their clever charm to the test to not only fool people on the receiving end of the issues but the causing people of the issues as well into seeing obvious problems that are overlooked for the sake of gaining $$$. For reasons many people cannot understand, hacktivists (for the most part) are coming from an honest point of view to represent the unspoken truths that are hidden by larger companies that have the abilities to conceal dishonest facts about their production and resourcing for their corporations.

As a nation and planet we are connected with an internet connection that gives us the power to create, maintain and diminish relationships at the click of a button or type of a word; Hacktivists use this to their advantage while reaching out to the public eye and revealing things in mass quantities to all who are available to see it. This causes multiple questions and opinions to form; allowing the hacktivists to take part in stirring the pot of questions reguarding what is “right” for the people not only of the united states (rich or poor) but for those of every nation and the connections that have already been made.