Edge of Art–Designing Politics

Hackers with a cause can be perfectly represented by the group that goes by “Anonymous” They are people who have drive to make statements via the web and technology and have made such a statement in the past decade that their hacktivist methods have been world wide recognized. In comparison to Political Design there is a more diplomatic drive and reason to be proved with what is being said and represented to the public. Such as in current political situations with those candidates who are running for President–much political design goes into the thought process of how this single human is represented and portrayed by millions of people in our country and billions world wide.

Almost anything that is referred to as executable means that there is something being called to action or work when it occurs. An executable file is referring to something that this file is going to do for the user. Execution and Representation are defined as two completely different things, as stated by the dictionary;

“Execution:  the carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of action”


“Representation:the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented”


Execution is about the following through with an Idea–> such as our third step of idea development that we will be doing this semester.

Representation is the form or state that we chose to execute these ideas and in what way we follow through with it.

The “Yes Men Save the World” film that was shown to us in class revealed two hacktivist men who put their clever charm to the test to not only fool people on the receiving end of the issues but the causing people of the issues as well into seeing obvious problems that are overlooked for the sake of gaining $$$. For reasons many people cannot understand, hacktivists (for the most part) are coming from an honest point of view to represent the unspoken truths that are hidden by larger companies that have the abilities to conceal dishonest facts about their production and resourcing for their corporations.

As a nation and planet we are connected with an internet connection that gives us the power to create, maintain and diminish relationships at the click of a button or type of a word; Hacktivists use this to their advantage while reaching out to the public eye and revealing things in mass quantities to all who are available to see it. This causes multiple questions and opinions to form; allowing the hacktivists to take part in stirring the pot of questions reguarding what is “right” for the people not only of the united states (rich or poor) but for those of every nation and the connections that have already been made.

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