ALS Community

A community for people who are affiliated with people in the ALS community who either have family members diagnosed with the disease or have experiences that they can share with others who are dealing with it currently. The disease is such that it is so different with each case there is no one way to fix the same problem the same way for ever person; bathroom solutions, cleaning habits, eating, drinking, etc…

Since my father was diagnosed with ALS when I was a sophomore in High School, I have seen the ins and outs of this disease and have experienced first hand what it is like to adapt for the person with ALS and perceive what habits they have to change in order to survive and be happy with whatever living conditions they can. The app that I would create to appease this community is a blog or billboard type situation where people can contribute their solutions and coping mechanisms to deal with this death sentence that can make or break the value of life a person has. Thankfully my fathers optimism was easy to deal with and solve problems with ease and positivity.

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