Grand Revealance of Posters & Boards

I’m very aware of the relationship that is developed between two people from the bottom to the top of a mountain, in just a 15 minute or so chair lift ride. In those fifteen minutes, your gear can act as a sales pitch as much as a conversation starter; which is why I’ve decided that I want to shed a lot of light on the subliminal messages that can be perceived by something as simple as the graphics on the bottom/top on a snowboard or skis.


I wanted to pick out some topics of interest that I want to draw more attention to and also a customized piece by a customer request was included in this project.


Initially, I had intended on doing a 6 poster series with 1 snowboard mockup. Immediately as I dove into designing the posters I felt unattached to just the poster series so I wanted to kind of shift weight and for every poster designed I wanted a complimentary board design along side of it. To show how marketing/advertising poster components can morph into something else that gives a snowboarder a personality representation on the mountain. Representing something that is important to them, or an impersonation of what makes them who they are.


The series:

A cause driven by a friend, who has driven a non profit school in Karatu, Tanzania. I designed this map hoping that it could represent the area that the school is in and give it some recognition and maybe draw people to pay more attention to situations like this. is where you can find more on the school and the people who support it.


A customized order came in from Katie Smith of Hanover, Maine. A new business owner at the age of 21 who is a free spirit by every definition. She has an obsession with dream catchers, apparently she has somewhere near 10 or 11 in her room. I stemmed off of that, and went with a design that was representational of her free spirit, love for travel and feathers.


A customized design was also made for Black Bear Energy, a Maine grown energy company that has pure intentions of giving natural energy and replenishment to as many lives as they can reach. is where you can find out more about their products. I pulled their new can design and color schemes to give out basic information and representational mood for the company for both the poster and design.

Student Projects::Week 7

While browsing through the copious amounts of wordpress websites that students of the NMD 206 classes before have created; they seemed repetitive and similar and related like a family–one project stood out to me wholeheartedly.

Derek O’Brien made a website called appicture a day and it calls attention to the specific autobotography project that I made reference too in my lone search to show the class who views my site what autobotography projects I found outside of the classroom. I think appicture a day is a play on words (aperture) and (a picture)–since Brien is doing what he can to make an honorable come back from his injury he looked towards documenting day to day objects and situations as a release and outlet.

the yes men fix the world

representational art: represent something and it has meaning.

  • Execute
  • Act/Do Something


1-many change to many to many


The yes Men Fix the World:

How do you justify compensating suffering people from an industrial tragedy with JUST under 1000$?

“I found it refreshing”à the golden skeleton in the closet. It’s unbelievable to me that people who are making money and running their “dream” businesses are saying that if a few bodies are at cost to make them a couple dimes then it is all worth it in the end.

Unintended harm was brought to the people of Bhopal as they were rewarded and then robbed of 12 billion.

“Starving would become the new black”

Long distance connector

Being in a long distance relationship myself, I know the ins and outs of the difficulties couples in this situation have to face; if only there was a solution to the small trials and hurdles that we have to face in a day-to-day situation.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, true–however; the points that lead up to the strength people must have to support that growing heart is difficult to obtain. I would be interested in creating an app that makes leaving messages and gestures technically to show reassurance to the opposite partner giving them positive reinforcement to know that the partner is thinking of them and missing them.

ALS Community

A community for people who are affiliated with people in the ALS community who either have family members diagnosed with the disease or have experiences that they can share with others who are dealing with it currently. The disease is such that it is so different with each case there is no one way to fix the same problem the same way for ever person; bathroom solutions, cleaning habits, eating, drinking, etc…

Since my father was diagnosed with ALS when I was a sophomore in High School, I have seen the ins and outs of this disease and have experienced first hand what it is like to adapt for the person with ALS and perceive what habits they have to change in order to survive and be happy with whatever living conditions they can. The app that I would create to appease this community is a blog or billboard type situation where people can contribute their solutions and coping mechanisms to deal with this death sentence that can make or break the value of life a person has. Thankfully my fathers optimism was easy to deal with and solve problems with ease and positivity.